In a very wonderful, very short week. I fell in love with someone new. And then in the blink of an eye, my new love was over.
Nobody probably cares.. but it just felt like the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. I deserved a little dash of happy after everything that's happened...
I'm now reconsidering an old love. One that has me thinking a lot about the meaning of time and what it really means in the long run. I am so obsessed with time. I wish I could stop.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas Turn Around
My Christmas:

The day was feeling pretty
empty and void and
lack of emotion
numb, but not comfortably so...
My mind fluttered
Contemplating love
new and old...
wishing my day
was filled
different people
different times...
Refusing to see the love
right in front of my face
My own love
that I have to give
to those around me
So I found a simple joy
in buying a yoyo and investing in
deep conversation with
old friends.
I took three adorable young boys
out for french fries and onion rings
their first 3D movie
and our conversations
were just amazing
and I realized
that love
in so many different forms
it is literally

The day was feeling pretty
empty and void and
lack of emotion
numb, but not comfortably so...
My mind fluttered
Contemplating love
new and old...
wishing my day
was filled
different people
different times...
Refusing to see the love
right in front of my face
My own love
that I have to give
to those around me
So I found a simple joy
in buying a yoyo and investing in
deep conversation with
old friends.
I took three adorable young boys
out for french fries and onion rings
their first 3D movie
and our conversations
were just amazing
and I realized
that love
in so many different forms
it is literally
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Life has been such a rollercoaster lately. Oy vey. Where to even begin.
Every time I meet someone, they disappoint me. Maybe this is life? Just one huge cycle of disappointment. It feels like every relationship I enter into, I am the one who unfairly gets hurt. Why is that? Am I a magnet for my own pain? How do I attract these scumbags to me?
I must be doing something wrong. I need some inner reflection to figure myself out or something!
I just wish I knew what it is that is so horrible about me that everyone has to f*ck me over. This is not how I imagined my life at 30. How did it get so screwed up?
Every time I meet someone, they disappoint me. Maybe this is life? Just one huge cycle of disappointment. It feels like every relationship I enter into, I am the one who unfairly gets hurt. Why is that? Am I a magnet for my own pain? How do I attract these scumbags to me?
I must be doing something wrong. I need some inner reflection to figure myself out or something!
I just wish I knew what it is that is so horrible about me that everyone has to f*ck me over. This is not how I imagined my life at 30. How did it get so screwed up?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
We used to play this game
floppy fish
Where we'd be in bed
flop like
floppy fish
Thrashing and
pretending to
splash in water
that wasn't there...
And we would laugh
Until we fell asleep holding
And I thought
I could
floppy fish
Where we'd be in bed
flop like
floppy fish
Thrashing and
pretending to
splash in water
that wasn't there...
And we would laugh
Until we fell asleep holding
And I thought
I could
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Dating Schmating
Boy number one asks me out to a movie
We get there..
and it's pretty obvious.
I am paying for myself!
How um sweet?
He did buy popcorn and a soda to share.
During the movie
He says
"If you get scared...
you can hold my hand"
5 minutes later
he says
"if you get scared...
you can hold my penis"
I did not get scared. At all.
The movie was good
He was a bore.
I hate people who
talk during movies
unless of course
it is me
my best friend.
it's okay.
Before our dating
he couldn't stop texting me
telling me
he was excited to
kiss me perhaps
After an awkward walk
to my car
He danced around for
10 minutes
no kiss
guerrilla war style
and we were off
The movie was so great
I looked so pretty
I really needed a
good night kiss
So I
called up boy number 2
just to meet me
on a random corner
give me a good
It was good.
thank you
boy number 2.
We get there..
and it's pretty obvious.
I am paying for myself!
How um sweet?
He did buy popcorn and a soda to share.
During the movie
He says
"If you get scared...
you can hold my hand"
5 minutes later
he says
"if you get scared...
you can hold my penis"
I did not get scared. At all.
The movie was good
He was a bore.
I hate people who
talk during movies
unless of course
it is me
my best friend.
it's okay.
Before our dating
he couldn't stop texting me
telling me
he was excited to
kiss me perhaps
After an awkward walk
to my car
He danced around for
10 minutes
no kiss
guerrilla war style
and we were off
The movie was so great
I looked so pretty
I really needed a
good night kiss
So I
called up boy number 2
just to meet me
on a random corner
give me a good
It was good.
thank you
boy number 2.
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Everyday is truly a rollercoaster for me.
Literally every other day is just horrid. Then the next day feels pretty great!
But then the next day is horrible again.
Blue Skies
Gloomy Skies
Awesome Times
Crying Times
Well, you get the point. My best friend said that I am much better than a month ago. A month ago, I couldn't see any good things at all on the horizon. At least now, I look forward to every other day.
I guess I'm scared of today because yesterday was pretty great. Maybe I should put yesterday by the Beatles on and just dream of those better times.
Literally every other day is just horrid. Then the next day feels pretty great!
But then the next day is horrible again.
Blue Skies
Gloomy Skies
Awesome Times
Crying Times
Well, you get the point. My best friend said that I am much better than a month ago. A month ago, I couldn't see any good things at all on the horizon. At least now, I look forward to every other day.
I guess I'm scared of today because yesterday was pretty great. Maybe I should put yesterday by the Beatles on and just dream of those better times.

Monday, December 06, 2010
an interesting date
Sunday, December 05, 2010
apology schmology
so if someone apologizes to you.. and then they delete his/her apology. Did they mean it to begin with?
Probably not.
Probably not.
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Cantinas, Cold Drinks and Cool Books Oh My!
Another blind date.
We met at the bookstore- one of my favorite places.
I was so nervous.
My heart pounded behind the bookcases.
I got yelled at
taking a picture
of a book called
the ass and the boar.
He showed up
in Wranglers.
We walked around
he bought me tea
I tried his caramel frappe
I couldn't really tell if he liked me or not
we joked about endless books.
I coughed. a lot.
We went to a Cantina for my friend's graduation celebration
It was more fun that I thought it would be
I like the place!
We shared nachos.
We left
drove around
He bought me a book and
gave me an awkward hug.
Overall, it was okay. :)
We met at the bookstore- one of my favorite places.
I was so nervous.
My heart pounded behind the bookcases.
I got yelled at
taking a picture
of a book called
the ass and the boar.
He showed up
in Wranglers.
We walked around
he bought me tea
I tried his caramel frappe
I couldn't really tell if he liked me or not
we joked about endless books.
I coughed. a lot.
We went to a Cantina for my friend's graduation celebration
It was more fun that I thought it would be
I like the place!
We shared nachos.
We left
drove around
He bought me a book and
gave me an awkward hug.
Overall, it was okay. :)
Friday, November 26, 2010
can you be too picky?
Okay, so I'm thinking of starting a new blog on my new unexpected single life.. but maybe later.
For now, this post will have to go in this old boring blog.
I went on a date last night. We were both seemingly "alone" for Thanksgiving. I have a tradition of going to the movies on Thanksgiving, but alas I had nobody to go with...
So here is an outline of the date. *sigh*
I pick him up.
He can't drive.
Due to some sort of depth perception disorder.
He kind of looked like his picture.
But a little... unkept.
Not really my type at all.
We go to the movies.
Where he tries to get touchy
And I scoot
as far away as I can get from him
he keeps trying.
The movie
felt like an eternity.
It was only
2.4 hours.
Politely I ask him to coffee.
We have okay conversation.
I find out
he is SUPER picky
and only likes
to date
really young girls.
or in his words...
"5-10 years younger than me"
I wrap the date up by 10pm
because of course
have a
curfew (at the age of 30)
He goes home
blogs about
a wonderful
first date
I go home and
fall asleep..
wake up
write this.
For now, this post will have to go in this old boring blog.
I went on a date last night. We were both seemingly "alone" for Thanksgiving. I have a tradition of going to the movies on Thanksgiving, but alas I had nobody to go with...
So here is an outline of the date. *sigh*
I pick him up.
He can't drive.
Due to some sort of depth perception disorder.
He kind of looked like his picture.
But a little... unkept.
Not really my type at all.
We go to the movies.
Where he tries to get touchy
And I scoot
as far away as I can get from him
he keeps trying.
The movie
felt like an eternity.
It was only
2.4 hours.
Politely I ask him to coffee.
We have okay conversation.
I find out
he is SUPER picky
and only likes
to date
really young girls.
or in his words...
"5-10 years younger than me"
I wrap the date up by 10pm
because of course
have a
curfew (at the age of 30)
He goes home
blogs about
a wonderful
first date
I go home and
fall asleep..
wake up
write this.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Thanks on Tuesday
I've been sick for a few days.. well actually for about 5.. I've just felt horrible and out of it, I feel bad that I'm not portraying my usual happy self in my internship due to this cold, but I'm finding it hard to function, still I'm going to record my most recent happy moments:
Having a good interaction with my principal today
Feeling relief from my nose spray. (lame I know)
Getting through a huge checklist of stuff with my teacher, he's so cool.
Realizing I don't have homework due tomorrow!
Stephen renting me a movie he's known I've been wanting to see as a surprise!
eating a delicious bowl of tomato pasta soup for lunch
reading this article: about a 19 year old kid with hypomania who's starting the next big interesting thing.. I love young people starting businesses, It excites me!!
Having a good interaction with my principal today
Feeling relief from my nose spray. (lame I know)
Getting through a huge checklist of stuff with my teacher, he's so cool.
Realizing I don't have homework due tomorrow!
Stephen renting me a movie he's known I've been wanting to see as a surprise!
eating a delicious bowl of tomato pasta soup for lunch
reading this article: about a 19 year old kid with hypomania who's starting the next big interesting thing.. I love young people starting businesses, It excites me!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Happiest moments:
having more people talk to me in the lunchroom today
having fun with Stephen
eating a delicious rice crispy treat! yummy!
having more people talk to me in the lunchroom today
having fun with Stephen
eating a delicious rice crispy treat! yummy!
Monday, September 13, 2010
September 13th
I'm happy my first day of internship land went okay. It wasn't the best day in the world, but it was miles from the worst day!
My happiest moments:
a little girl staring at me for a minute and then saying "you're so pretty".
(this is common in elementary school, but it's still so nice to hear)
later Stephen said the same thing!
Having a conversation about braces and gum with 3 crooked smiled 10 year olds.
Stephen covering my face with kisses!
finally leaving school after the "first" day, it just felt so good to sit down and get out of there, but it was a happy moment that I "survived".
My happiest moments:
a little girl staring at me for a minute and then saying "you're so pretty".
(this is common in elementary school, but it's still so nice to hear)
later Stephen said the same thing!
Having a conversation about braces and gum with 3 crooked smiled 10 year olds.
Stephen covering my face with kisses!
finally leaving school after the "first" day, it just felt so good to sit down and get out of there, but it was a happy moment that I "survived".
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Sunday thankies
I'm happy that..
I start my internship tomorrow.
I had an awesome lunch with my loving Stephen..
My favorite show is on in just a few minutes!
I found awesome deals on Shampoo, shoes and a hand knitted sweater at ross, I saved nearly 100 dollars~! hurray.
I start my internship tomorrow.
I had an awesome lunch with my loving Stephen..
My favorite show is on in just a few minutes!
I found awesome deals on Shampoo, shoes and a hand knitted sweater at ross, I saved nearly 100 dollars~! hurray.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I'm happy most
1. for getting to experience the balloon races in a comfortable location. It is a day I'll never forget! I've been 2 times before this year, but my attitude and company was lacking. Stephen made it a great/relaxing time!
2. The fact I live in a place where there are rescue workers, willing to risk their own lives to save mine. *(never forget)
3. For the time I got to spend with my relatively new friend, Ashley. I like making her laugh!
My blessings seem to multiply everyday. For that, I'm so grateful.
1. for getting to experience the balloon races in a comfortable location. It is a day I'll never forget! I've been 2 times before this year, but my attitude and company was lacking. Stephen made it a great/relaxing time!
2. The fact I live in a place where there are rescue workers, willing to risk their own lives to save mine. *(never forget)
3. For the time I got to spend with my relatively new friend, Ashley. I like making her laugh!
My blessings seem to multiply everyday. For that, I'm so grateful.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Happiest Moment
I went to see Eat Pray Love, a new movie with Julia Roberts in it this afternoon. The movie dragged on in some parts, but other times, I found myself in an introspective journey with the main character. I like that. In honor of this movie, I think I will refocus this journal to the happiest parts of my day.
So here goes:
1. Finally solidifying my internship plans: clicking with my lead teacher, my new principal and my supervisor.
2. Going to see a movie for the pure enjoyment of seeing a movie.
3. Coming home to my wonderful Stephen cooking me dinner
4. Telling Stephen all about my day
Now off to bed! Good night.
So here goes:
1. Finally solidifying my internship plans: clicking with my lead teacher, my new principal and my supervisor.
2. Going to see a movie for the pure enjoyment of seeing a movie.
3. Coming home to my wonderful Stephen cooking me dinner
4. Telling Stephen all about my day
Now off to bed! Good night.
Monday, August 30, 2010
My attempt at artsy
This is what happens when I am bored:
my photography blog
I am sure this won't happen too much in the future months, I suppose I should be grateful for the spare time I have right now. I love my new blog!
my photography blog
I am sure this won't happen too much in the future months, I suppose I should be grateful for the spare time I have right now. I love my new blog!
Ch ch ch changes?
I've had this blog for nearly 4 years now, and many changes have taken place in my life. On the brink of a new and highly scrutinized career, I've decided to edit my blog a bit. It's a good thing though! I really just want to focus on all positive things in my life, and I'd like to use this blog more on a daily basis.
I am also going to keep a movie review blog here
The name makes no sense, but that's okay. Happy blogging!
Soon I will start a teaching strategies blog! yayness.
I am also going to keep a movie review blog here
The name makes no sense, but that's okay. Happy blogging!
Soon I will start a teaching strategies blog! yayness.
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