Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Turn Around

My Christmas:

The day was feeling pretty
empty and void and
lack of emotion
numb, but not comfortably so...

My mind fluttered
Contemplating love
new and old...
wishing my day
was filled
different people
different times...

Refusing to see the love
right in front of my face

My own love
that I have to give
to those around me

So I found a simple joy
in buying a yoyo and investing in
deep conversation with
old friends.

I took three adorable young boys
out for french fries and onion rings
their first 3D movie
and our conversations
were just amazing

and I realized
that love
in so many different forms
it is literally


Ashley said...

Beautiful post, Jess. And this love can be felt ALL year round, not just at Christmastime! I love you!

sharkboy8u2 said...

you are loved...forever