Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thanks on Tuesday

I've been sick for a few days.. well actually for about 5.. I've just felt horrible and out of it, I feel bad that I'm not portraying my usual happy self in my internship due to this cold, but I'm finding it hard to function, still I'm going to record my most recent happy moments:

Having a good interaction with my principal today
Feeling relief from my nose spray. (lame I know)
Getting through a huge checklist of stuff with my teacher, he's so cool.

Realizing I don't have homework due tomorrow!

Stephen renting me a movie he's known I've been wanting to see as a surprise!

eating a delicious bowl of tomato pasta soup for lunch

reading this article: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/19/business/19entre.html?_r=1&dbk about a 19 year old kid with hypomania who's starting the next big interesting thing.. I love young people starting businesses, It excites me!!