Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thanks on Tuesday

I've been sick for a few days.. well actually for about 5.. I've just felt horrible and out of it, I feel bad that I'm not portraying my usual happy self in my internship due to this cold, but I'm finding it hard to function, still I'm going to record my most recent happy moments:

Having a good interaction with my principal today
Feeling relief from my nose spray. (lame I know)
Getting through a huge checklist of stuff with my teacher, he's so cool.

Realizing I don't have homework due tomorrow!

Stephen renting me a movie he's known I've been wanting to see as a surprise!

eating a delicious bowl of tomato pasta soup for lunch

reading this article: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/19/business/19entre.html?_r=1&dbk about a 19 year old kid with hypomania who's starting the next big interesting thing.. I love young people starting businesses, It excites me!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Happiest moments:

having more people talk to me in the lunchroom today

having fun with Stephen

eating a delicious rice crispy treat! yummy!

Monday, September 13, 2010

September 13th

I'm happy my first day of internship land went okay. It wasn't the best day in the world, but it was miles from the worst day!

My happiest moments:

a little girl staring at me for a minute and then saying "you're so pretty".
(this is common in elementary school, but it's still so nice to hear)

later Stephen said the same thing!

Having a conversation about braces and gum with 3 crooked smiled 10 year olds.

Stephen covering my face with kisses!

finally leaving school after the "first" day, it just felt so good to sit down and get out of there, but it was a happy moment that I "survived".

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday thankies

I'm happy that..

I start my internship tomorrow.
I had an awesome lunch with my loving Stephen..
My favorite show is on in just a few minutes!

I found awesome deals on Shampoo, shoes and a hand knitted sweater at ross, I saved nearly 100 dollars~! hurray.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I'm happy most

1. for getting to experience the balloon races in a comfortable location. It is a day I'll never forget! I've been 2 times before this year, but my attitude and company was lacking. Stephen made it a great/relaxing time!

2. The fact I live in a place where there are rescue workers, willing to risk their own lives to save mine. *(never forget)

3. For the time I got to spend with my relatively new friend, Ashley. I like making her laugh!

My blessings seem to multiply everyday. For that, I'm so grateful.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Happiest Moment

I went to see Eat Pray Love, a new movie with Julia Roberts in it this afternoon. The movie dragged on in some parts, but other times, I found myself in an introspective journey with the main character. I like that. In honor of this movie, I think I will refocus this journal to the happiest parts of my day.

So here goes:


1. Finally solidifying my internship plans: clicking with my lead teacher, my new principal and my supervisor.

2. Going to see a movie for the pure enjoyment of seeing a movie.

3. Coming home to my wonderful Stephen cooking me dinner

4. Telling Stephen all about my day

Now off to bed! Good night.