Thursday, April 03, 2008

I want a Themed Journal!

Wow, it's been almost a year since I last updated. I originally started this journal to vent some of my secrets/frustrations about life. I continued to use it as this outlet for my madness.

I kinda want to start all over, but I don't know where to begin. I have a lot to say, but I want a journal of substance with a theme to it. I saw the coolest journal tonight, this lady writes about how she'd change the world, "If I were in charge of the universe".. and then she starts an entry. It was clever and witty. She also had a journal about her dog, her photography and the library she works in. I found her site when investigating blue hair dye. I always want to dye my hair blue, but I never do, mainly out of fear that I will be rejected for that "awesome" job. heh, kinda silly since I've been looking for an awesome job for 6 years now. I could have had 6 years of blue haired Good times. Oh well, I digress...

I really love themed journals...but what I'd theme mine about or stylize it as, I have no clue. It would be pretty hard to describe myself in a 5000 word essay much less shove a part of my life into a subject journal. Plus, I get bored easily, that's my biggest problem. I jump from one topic to the next like a spun out grasshopper, I can never stay focused on any one thing for too long. I could journal about that problem, but I'm already bored thinking about it as I write this...

No point to this entry, so no finale for you, I'm off to my new sleeping job now, good night bloggers.