Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Advice from a 26 year old.

I was kind of a snarky 26 year old, here's a little glimpse of what was going on in my mind back then. I give you: August 2007


I am a bum in every sense of the word, and I'm actually okay with that. Maybe society thinks a mortgage payment and a promising career along with a cookie cutter spouse is ideal, but all I see is a race for complacency in that statement. People are so anxious to get going with their all-mighty lives, that they never stop to see what's around them right now. People don't enjoy life's little blessings.

People are constantly working for more money, more children, more prestige, a bigger house, a prettier house, another vacation, a better body, a better lover.... it's always more, bigger, better, thinner, shinier. Nothing is ever just amazing right now. Then, one day... they awake out of the rush of life. Crippled, sick, nostalgic. They say "what happened, it went by so fast". It was because they were rushing through it at such a rate that life did pass them by.

I never want to be that person. I never want to wake up when I'm 50 or 60 or 70 or 80, and say, what happened? How did that happen? Why am I here? I want to enjoy time right now :
fun time, boring time, happy time, sad time, I want to relish every feeling and emotion because someday will unfold into someone else's someday because I will no longer be here.

And all of this is why I'm okay. I'm not great, I'm not fantastic, I'm just okay being exactly where I am. I'm complacent being lost in long moments of unplanned thought. I'm okay having nothing to do with the American dream. I'm happy just being here... right now in this moment. This is all I have and this is all I want right now.

pensive pearl.