Saturday, December 23, 2006

Time for my once a month update.

I really don't know why I keep a journal on this site. I might delete almost every entry and just start fresh. Now I feel this stigma of only being able to update once a month. It's the evil blogger 1X Mo Syndrome. Oh well. I'll get over it. maybe.

So Today is supposed to be the busiest shopping day of the year now. The Saturday before Christmas has even beaten out The infamous Day after Thanksgiving. Thank goodness I had a temper tantrum last night after losing a web site I had just created on Dreamweaver, and decided to get every bit of shopping done at 2am last night. Even at 2am Walmart was busy. IT was frightening. But alas, I don't have to go out today OR tomorrow. Yay.

Here are some random thoughts I'm jotting down from my head today.

My grandma's birthday was December 21st. It was kind of a hard day to get through for me. *bleh*

I gained 10 lbs. overnight. I'm very depressed and kind of in denial over it. I'm over 200lbs... which is just a nasty point for me to be at right now. Oh well. My 1st goal after I move is finding a gym and focusing on good nutrition.

I am putting in my last day notice at work for January 27th. It will be an odd day.

I passed my big 911 interview. The bad news is... so did 47 other people. I guess there will be a lottery system... and who knows how many people they will accept. *sigh*

I am moving to Portland on Febuary 1st. The note is into my landlord and plans for a new apartment are being made today.

Hopefully I will have my settlement money sometime in January. Hopefully, or there won't be a "portland" move.

that is all. I'm feeling quite depressed lately. It's really not a fun place to be... and I wish I could leave.

good bye for now


beckah said...

even if it's just a once a month post, i like reading them miss pearl : )

i hope all goes well for you in portland.

blessings from minnesota!